Creative Arts

Creative Arts at St Ambrose is designed to enhance student understanding and enjoyment of Visual Arts, Performing Arts, and Music. St Ambrose students spend time on a weekly basis in purpose-built classrooms with facilities such as green screens and performance spaces. Creative arts sessions are designed to inspire students to extend their imaginations and technical capacity in the arts, to connect with peers through collaboration, and to gain a deeper understanding of the themes explored.


Visual Arts

Performing Arts - Drama


A vibrant Visual Arts program gives students the opportunity to develop a strong aesthetic appreciation and skills in a range of media. The school environment is enhanced by their creative work. Students receive a specialist art lesson in our wonderful, purpose-built, art room each week and the children experience a range of visual arts activities including:
  • painting
  • pottery
  • sculpture
  • collage
  • drawing
  • printmaking

Students participate in Drama lessons weekly. During Drama, students learn how to develop characters, write scripts, film, edit and produce movies. Students also increase their improvisational performance skills and learn to perform scripted and workshopped pieces in front of an audience, helping to build their communication skills and public-speaking confidence. As audience members, they learn to offer positive, constructive feedback and give encouragement to those around them. 
During Music lessons, students explore beat, rhythm, pitch, and dynamics with instruments, voice, and body percussion. Students sing and respond to music as a class. Students engage in music theory and as they build their knowledge, they design and make instruments, as well as create and record their own music using iPad apps. Extracurricular opportunities are provided for students with interests and talents in The Performing Arts:
  • Junior Choir (Grades 1-3)
  • Senior Choir (Grades 4-6)
  • Church Choir
  • Rock Band
  • Drumline
  • Instrumental Program (additional cost)