Family Connect Service

The Family Connect Service operates in our schools in partnership with Social Futures. The Family Connect Service supports families who may be experiencing challenges in a wide range of parenting and family issues by listening to the needs of the family and helping to connect them to appropriate support services. Our Family Connect Worker is available through remote access via phone or email to help all our families who might be experiencing challenges find the right support for them. This service can support families in many ways, including:
  • Support to apply for and access the NDIS

  • Housing support

  • Domestic violence support

  • Parenting support service

  • Addiction support service

  • Culturally appropriate service support

  • Centrelink

Our Family Connect worker will work with you to identify your needs, build on your family’s strengths and link you to the support you need to help your family thrive.

Contact with Jessie Moulynox, our remote Family Connect worker can be made via phone 0428 886 235 or email